
Media and Communications

Communication shapes our world—from how goods are produced and circulate, to how we live our intimate lives in a global landscape. Global connectivity and our new forms of media have created new forms of power, given rise to new social movements and new opportunities for government surveillance, and created new platforms for self-expression.

Program Details

Closely tied to our sociology/anthropology major, the media and communications major provides you with a deep understanding of how the ways we communicate are intertwined with society and politics. This prepares you for a wide variety of career paths.

To earn a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communications, you must complete the following, in addition to general education requirements, an internship course and the senior capstone.

Required courses

Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours

And one of the following research courses:

Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours


Graduates of media and communications are prepared for graduate study in a variety of communications-related areas.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates an additional 46,200 jobs to be created in media and communications between 2019 and 2029.


91% of work seekers who majored in the social sciences between 2018-2022 were employed, pursuing graduate school or volunteering within six months of graduation.

Media and communications jobs include editors, public relations specialists, reporters, journalists, writers and more.

What types of jobs and graduate school programs do graduates pursue?

The media and communications major draws on coursework from sociology, anthropology, English, education, global management and film studies.

The goal of the program is to develop leaders who understand how contemporary mechanisms of communication help reshape our world politically, economically and personally and who can shape policies at the national and global level. The coursework emphasizes how the emergence of new technologies produces new forms of social life.

What kind of research experience and internships are available?

There are a wide variety of internships available for media and communications majors. You may choose to intern on campus through work with the Earlham Word or WECI, or you may find an internship at an external organization.

Learn more about available programs via our Center for Global and Career Education.

Can I do off-campus study?

Yes! Off-campus study is encouraged for media and communications majors.

Learn more about off-campus study opportunities via our Center for Global and Career Education.