Physics & Astronomy



PHYS 115: Encounters with the Cosmos

Credits 3
Explore and discover the origin and evolution of the expanding universe that surrounds us, and the processes that created the “star dust” of which we are composed. Find out what really happens when you travel into a black hole and hear the latest discoveries from the Mars Rover! This course provides a descriptive study of the origin and evolution of the universe and the nature of the solar system, the stars and galactic systems.

PHYS 116: Encounters with the Cosmos (with Lab)

Credits 4
Explore and discover the origin and evolution of the expanding universe that surrounds us, and the processes that created the “star dust” of which we are composed. Find out what really happens when you travel into a black hole and hear the latest discoveries from the Mars Rover! This course provides a descriptive study of the origin and evolution of the universe and the nature of the solar system, the stars and galactic systems. Lab.

PHYS 120: Matter in Motion (no calculus)

Credits 4
How can we understand the complexities of motion? What determines the arc of a basketball free-throw, or how can we model blood pressure in the humans? This course develops concepts of force, momentum and energy and applies them to a variety of phenomena ranging from the motion of elementary particles to the motion of the planets. High school algebra and trigonometry are used. Lab.

PHYS 125: Matter in Motion (with Calculus)

Credits 4
What dictates the complexities of motion? How can we use physics to understand energy issues or medical biophysics? To control the path of a probe launched to rendezvous with Mars? This course develops concepts of force, momentum, energy and heat, and applies them to a variety of phenomena ranging from the motion of elementary particles to the motion of the planets. Throughout, we consider colonialism's impact on physics, and what it would mean to decolonise physics. Lab.

PHYS 230: Electromagnetism, Waves and Optics

Credits 4
You can change the direction of a baseball's motion by hitting it, but how do you curve light's motion to form the image on your retina? How can you move a beam of electrons without touching them? This course extends concepts like force and energy to realms that we cannot experience by touch. This course investigates the nature of electrostatics, electrical currents, magnetism, waves and optics, as well as a few concepts from modern Physics. Lab.

PHYS 235: Electromagnetism, Waves and Optics (With Calculus)

Credits 4
How is electricity created or lightning modeled? What is the fundamental nature of light? How can we use mirrors to create three-dimensional images? In this course, electrostatics, electromagnetism, electric and magnetic fields, waves and optics are treated using analytical techniques of calculus and vector analysis. Lab.

PHYS 282: Computational Astrophysics

Credits 3
Studying our universe and the gas, stars, and galaxies within it provides insight into physical processes at the extremes of physical scales. This includes phenomena from the subatomic level to scales spanning the visible universe, at extremes of temperature, denisty, and energy, with relevant timescales of 10^-35 seconds to billions of years. This course will apply students' knowledge of physics and mathematical methods to exploration of the processes that govern the formation of evolution of stars, galaxies, and the universe as a whole.

PHYS 305: Strength of Materials

Credits 4

This course will introduce students to the fundamental principles of the strength of materials and their application to engineering design. Topics will include stress, strain, torsion, bending, shear, and axial loading, with real-world applications in structural analysis, mechanical components, and failure criteria.

PHYS 315: Introductory Astrophysics

Credits 3

Stars, planets, comets and black holes are all explained by the field of astrophysics. In this course, you will learn the fundamental science behind the myriad phenomena of the cosmos. Along the way, you will build computational models to develop your physical intuition and strengthen your programming.

PHYS 325: Biophysics

Credits 3

What sorts of patterns do we expect to find in biology? When molecules are diffusing randomly through a cell, and when are they being moved around actively? What are the main forces governing protein folding? We'll apply a small number of fundamental physical models to a broad range of biological problems. You'll explore your own interests through a significant independent project.

PHYS 345: Modern Physics

Credits 4
Few ideas stretch the imagination or challenge the intuition as much as Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. In this course, you'll investigate special relativity, quantum Physics, atomic and nuclear Physics with elementary classical Physics as a foundation. In the study of special relativity, students will reason through the implications of Einstein's postulate and find how the predictions of his theory can be put to experimental tests. Elementary quantum mechanics, on the other hand, will show how scientists have sometimes had to change their conceptual framework when confronted with phenomena that cannot fit into an earlier paradigm. Lab.

PHYS 350: Electronics & Instrumentation

Credits 4

This is a laboratory-oriented course dealing with analog and digital circuits. Circuit theory is developed for diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers and integrated circuits. These components are used to construct a range of devices, including power supplies, oscillators, amplifiers and logic circuits. Laboratory work will allow students to gain an operational understanding of these basic concepts. Skills debugging, circuit building, and reading circuit diagrams will be stressed. Lab.

PHYS 355: Advanced Physics Laboratory

Credits 3
Explores experimental techniques, such as programming and machining, associated with advanced undergraduate physics courses. Studying a wide range of physical phenomena, students will be exposed to a wide variety of experimental techniques. Emphasizing individual initiative and deep investigation, students will be able to direct their work to areas or questions of particular interest. Students develop skills in communicating scientific results in journal article format as well as through oral and poster presentations. Lab.

PHYS 360: Mathematical Methods and Physics

Credits 3
Applies mathematical techniques to the study of physical systems. Examines topics such as vector analysis, complex variables, Fourier series and boundary value problems. These topics are studied in the context of modeling and understanding physical systems. Students will see how individual techniques, once developed, can be applied to very broad classes of problems. This course develops skills in communicating scientific results in written form as well as in an oral presentation.

PHYS 375: Thermal and Statistical Physics

Credits 3
Examines basic concepts of thermodynamics such as internal energy, heat, work, temperature, reversibility and entropy. This course shows how the application of a few basic concepts from probability and statistics can elucidate a wide range of phenomena such as the kinetic theory of gases, osmotic pressure and changes in equilibrium states cause by variations in pressure or temperature. Quantum applications include Planck's theory of blackbody radiation and statistics for identical particles.

PHYS 425: Classical Mechanics

Credits 3
Examines statics and dynamics of particles, rigid bodies and continuous media, along with Lagrangian mechanics and normal coordinates. Students will extend their ability to analyze mechanical systems through math techniques such as differential equations, Fourier series, and solutions to systems of linear equations. Approximation techniques are introduced for dealing with systems for which no analytical solution is possible.

PHYS 435: Electricity and Magnetism

Credits 3
The development and application of electromagnetic field theory. This course covers material from PHYS 235 in greater detail, deepening the level of application of mathematical approaches that are useful in a wide range of Physics subjects, such as divergence, curl and Fourier techniques. The core of the course, Maxwell's equations, expresses the fundamental interrelationship between electric and magnetic phenomena, as well as radiation theory and an understanding of behavior of light.

PHYS 445: Quantum Mechanics

Credits 3
An introduction to the techniques, problems and interpretation of quantum mechanics. The quantum conditions, Schrodinger's equation and other formulations are applied to the rectangular potential well, the harmonic oscillator and the hydrogen atom. Also considers perturbation theory, identical particles and multiparticle systems. Students will gain familiarity with quantum systems, and the implications of quantum theory. Mathematical skills such as integrating Gaussian functions and partial differential equations will be developed.

PHYS 480: Senior Seminar

Credits 3
Students and faculty meet to discuss topics of current interest in physics. These topics focus either on some area of Physics or on an area in which Physics overlaps with other disciplines.

PHYS 488: Senior Capstone

Credits 0
Majors must successfully complete comprehensive examinations during the Senior year. Offered both semesters.