Spanish & Hispanic Studies



SPAN 101: Basic Spanish I

Credits 4
The first semester of a year-long beginning Spanish program, intended for students who have no previous experience with Spanish or for those who have been placed into the course. The course provides a communicative approach to basic Spanish that emphasizes the development of language skills as well as the cultural competence needed to communicate effectively with native speakers. Offered fall semester.

SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish

Credits 4
Students continue the development of conversational skills, review grammar, and engage in vocabulary building through structured and unstructured conversations, readings, and activities. Offered fall and spring semesters.

SPAN 202: Spanish for Social Justice: Intermediate Spanish II

Credits 3
How do we study, analyze and discuss topics such as discrimination, human rights, social inequality, class, gender and race in Spanish? While we continue to develop our oral and writing skills as well as lexical and grammatical structures in Spanish, this class will focus on the topic of social justice movements through the study and discussion of different texts such as documentaries, newspapers, magazines and short stories.

SPAN 205: Super Intermediate Spanish

Credits 6
Accelerates the acquisition of intermediate competencies in Spanish while reducing the time required from two semesters to one. Through class and other activities, students learn how to be engaged global citizens. This course is ideal for students who want to continue their SuperSpanish experience, for CLL majors, or for students who are getting ready for a Spanish-speaking off-campus program. Offered spring semester.

SPAN 301: Advanced Spanish:Conver & Comp

Credits 3
Designed to introduce students to text analysis and effective writing in Spanish. May be organized around a cultural or literary theme. Required of all Spanish and Hispanic Studies majors and minors.

SPAN 306: Spanish Linguistics, Language and Pedagogy

Credits 3

A general introduction to the field of linguistics as related to Spanish. Covers phonetics, phonology, morphology and syntax in Spanish, with special attention to practical applications for understanding and improving students' language skills as well as issues for teaching Spanish to English speakers or English to Spanish speakers. Includes a writing workshop component focusing on specific problems of grammar, vocabulary and expression in students' writing. Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or placement or consent of the instructor. (AY)

SPAN 336: Linguistics, Language and Pedagogy

Credits 3

A general introduction to the field of linguistics or pedagogy as it relates to Spanish. Topics vary. May be taken more than once if different topics. Topics may include phonetics, phonology, morphology and syntax in Spanish, practical applications for understanding and improving students' own language skills as well as issues for teaching Spanish to English speakers or English to Spanish speakers.

SPAN 346: Texts & Cultures

Credits 3
Designed to study aspects of the societies and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Topics vary. Students may take this course more than once if different topics. In this course, students will continue to sharpen their skills in textual and cultural interpretation.

SPAN 355: Creative Writing

Credits 3
Designed to allow advanced language students a chance to write original works in Spanish as well as read examples of texts from the Spanish-speaking world.

SPAN 356: Topics in Film Studies

Credits 4
Studies the development of movies and movie-making in the Hispanic world. Topics vary. May be taken more than once if different topics.

SPAN 406: Topics Advanced Spanish Linguistics II

Credits 3
Designed to study of aspects of Spanish linguistics, including semantics, historical linguistics, regional variations, dialects and creoles, translation, and Spanish in the U.S. Students will perform independent research projects in areas of their choice.

SPAN 407: Translation: Theory & Practice

Credits 4
Students consider a range of issues in translation, such as comparative stylistics, machine translation, and gender in translation. In addition to readings, discussion and research on particular aspects of translation, students design and carry out individual and group translation projects. May be team-taught with other languages.

SPAN 418: Film, History & Fiction

Credits 4
Topics ranging from literature to history, including U.S. Chicano and Latino cultural studies. May be taught in English or Spanish.

SPAN 425: Blackness in the Americas

Credits 4
Designed to sharpen students' abilities in text analysis and critical theory. May be organized around a theme or geographic region or historical period.

SPAN 426: Topics in Literature & Text Anal

Credits 4
A study of texts written in Spanish, often through thematic approaches or historical periods or movements. May be taken more than once if different themes.General Education credit varies depending on the topic; see course schedule.

SPAN 487: Senior Thesis

Credits 4
Only students who have been invited by Department to write a senior honors thesis may enroll in this course. Credits for this course do not count toward requirements for the major. Offered spring semester.

SPAN 488: Senior Seminar

Credits 4
Required of all majors, double majors, and interdisciplinary and interdepartmental majors. Part of the Spanish and Hispanic Studies majors' senior comprehensives and involves a substantial project or thesis. Offered Fall Semester and generally open only to Senior majors.