
International studies

The world today has never been more connected, and in many ways never more challenging. The international studies major enables you to gain the knowledge and experience to navigate our interdependent world and to find ways to positively shape it.

The international studies program at Earlham addresses profound challenges for policy and practice in a complex international context. You will be able to tackle these problems with energetic resolve. More than half of our majors are international students, a reality that enriches classroom conversations about issues of global import. Our courses are drawn from politics, economics and history, providing rich perspectives on global issues.

Program Details

The international studies program has recently developed a new set of major requirements that incorporate classes in language, politics, economics and history as well as an integrated off-campus study program.

To earn a Bachelor of Arts in international studies, you must complete 12 to 14 courses and in the range of 36 to 42 credits, in addition to a study abroad semester.

Note: courses in italics represent planned courses to be approved by the Curricular Planning Committee.

Introductory courses (all three of the following)

Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours

Research methods courses (one of the following)

Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours

One Theory course

Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours

Capstone course (the following course)

Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours

Language instruction

Four semesters of language (If a student already speaks a second language fluently with demonstrated competence, they can opt to take two linguistic or cultural competency courses taught by Earlham Languages and Cultures faculty in consultation with their academic adviser.)

Off-campus learning opportunity

Completion of an off-campus semester program (A student also may fulfill this requirement with completion of another approved program in consultation with their academic adviser.)

On-campus elective courses

Sub-Total Credit Hours

Four courses at the 200-400 level selected from the following list, including at least one Economics, one Politics, and one History course.

Courses must include one Politics “A”rgument (WI) and one Politics “R”esearch (RCH) course.

100% of recent graduates from the international studies program reported a career outcome within six months of graduation.

93% of work seekers who majored in a cross-divisional major between 2018-2022 were employed, pursuing graduate school or volunteering within six months of graduation.


Top job industries for international studies majors include education and nonprofit work.


Earlham’s international studies majors get into their top choice graduate programs and also serve in prestigious international civil service and diplomatic positions around the world.

What types of jobs and graduate school programs do graduates pursue?

Recent international studies graduates have obtained prestigious Watson and Fulbright scholarships as well as Rotary Peace Fellowships to work and study abroad.

Some have served as officers and program assistants in the Asia Foundation, Japan Society and U.N.-specialized agencies. Still others have worked in the Peace Corps and as human rights monitors.

One of our recent grads was accepted to the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts, as well as Georgetown.

Majors also have pursued graduate studies in fields as diverse as law, city planning, public administration and public health at globally top-ranked programs such as Oxford, the Vienna Diplomatic Academy, the London School of Economics and Political Science, Columbia School of International and Public Affairs, and the Monterey Institute of International Studies.