EDU 690: Educator as Researcher

Credits 3
Semester Offered
As an educator, how will you know your students are learning? How will you know that you are reaching all of your students? What will you do to improve your practice? Action research is a tool that can empower teachers and help them become reflective about their own teaching. It can help them to embrace and welcome dilemmas, paradoxes and problems in their teaching, facilitate more learning for their students, and produce results through change. This course will consist of engaging in inquiry by identifying a hurdle for student success, conducting a review of the literature on the issue, designing a methodology for an action research project, and then implement that research study while collecting data. Candidates will then analyze their data, write up their findings, and then present those findings in order to contribute to the profession. This course will meet once a week in the spring semester; M.Ed. students will meet in the morning and M.A.T. students will meet in the late afternoon after school. We will spend many classes in a workshop setting, working through writing the literature review, the methodology, and analyzing data