

Up until the 19th century philosophy was the main discipline in academia.

With the specialization of knowledge and the development of particular branches of sciences, the social sciences and the humanities, philosophy developed into its own as well.  However, philosophy remains the only discipline that has conceptual ties to all the other disciplines in academia, such as philosophy of science, philosophy of social science, philosophy of history, aesthetics (art) and philosophy of language. Philosophy questions the fundamental conceptual foundations and assumptions of all the disciplines: For example, from the field of biology, What is life? Sociology: What is society? History: How do we understand, record and interpret the past?

Therefore, studying philosophy not only teaches you how to think, critically analyze knowledge and question fundamental assumptions but also makes you understand the conceptual presuppositions of all other disciplines better.

Our department always studies and evaluates philosophy within our concrete existence in the world. When we do not raise the foundational questions of life ourselves, we unconsciously live with the answers that are provided for us by those who exercise power over us. As an Earlham philosophy student, you will become aware of and question your own fundamental assumptions about life, work, value and relationships.

Program Details

If our department has an orientation, it is toward the history of philosophy. Our program is respected by graduate schools for the mastery our graduates have shown in the history of philosophy.

As a philosophy student, you will be exposed to the history of Western philosophy as well as engaging in a critique of this potentially Eurocentric approach. You will study Ancient Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, 19th Century Philosophy and Contemporary Philosophy, which constitute the historical sequence. In addition, you will take a number of classes on Race and Racism, Feminist Philosophy, Postcolonial Theory, Film Theory and Aesthetics. While we teach the history of Western philosophy rigorously, we also provide the tools to critically engage with the Western tradition.

To earn a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy, you must complete the following courses, in addition to general education requirements.

As a philosophy student, you must take a minimum of 10 courses designed to acquaint you with the history of Western philosophy, the branches and methods of philosophy, and a good variety of topics and contemporary problems.

The following courses are required:

Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours

To earn a minor in philosophy, you must take at least six philosophy courses. The following courses are required:

Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours


Many Earlham philosophy graduates go to law school or into seminary training, while others go into secondary school teaching.

Top ranked

According to HEDS data, Earlham is ranked 29th (in the 98th percentile) among 1,533 institutions of higher learning in the U.S. for the percentage of graduates who go on to receive Ph.D.s in the humanities.


90% of work seekers who majored in the humanities between 2018-2022 were employed, pursuing graduate school or volunteering within six months of graduation.

An Earlham philosophy degree prepares you for a greater understanding across all disciplines, opening the door to a breadth of potential career paths in natural and social sciences, to name a couple.