
Jewish Studies

As a broadly interdisciplinary field, Jewish studies is a particularly appropriate area of study within a liberal arts education. The history, philosophy, culture, religion and literature of Judaism and Jewish communities across the globe form a complex, yet intellectually coherent, field of concentration.

Familiarity with the Jewish tradition is required for any significant understanding of Eurasian, North African and Middle Eastern history and politics, of Christianity and Islam, of modern western philosophy and theology, and of European and American literature and culture. The Jewish tradition of reflective and persistent questioning of the most enduring human issues offers unique challenges to Earlham students, whatever their major fields and cultural or religious backgrounds.

Program Details

Students of Jewish studies develop a deep understanding of religious and cultural diversity, and this understanding often contributes to their careers. They are working in Jewish community organizations, studying in rabbinical programs and Christian divinity schools or concentrating on related subjects as they pursue doctorates in history, politics, religion, languages and literature.

To earn a minor in Jewish studies, you need to complete 15 hours of course work in Jewish studies.

Sub-Total Credit Hours