
Earlham College’s Commitment to Community exists within the context of Earlham’s Principles and Practices. Further, this student handbook and the included conduct policies, as well as our Principles and Practices, exist within the mission of Earlham College as an educational community committed to pursuing truth wherever that pursuit is present, and to educating morally sensitive leaders. It is our community’s hope that disputes be confronted directly and honestly among the parties involved. Further, we hope that personal conduct can be influenced by the development of a student’s sense of responsibility to the community, and through practices of self-examination and restraint by individuals and groups.

The Commitment to Community is designed to provide clear, fair, and consistent policies relevant to all student conduct. Earlham College’s Principles and Practices outline Friends’ testimonies that help shape and sustain the community we strive to become and the necessary practices for our community to thrive. Earlham’s principles of respect for persons, integrity, commitment to peace and justice, concern for human and global resources, and governance based on consensus decision-making provide the ideological framework for the College and its community expectations. Therefore, Earlham stresses peaceful resolution of conflict, equality of persons, and high moral standards of personal conduct.

Earlham College students are responsible for knowing the information, policies, and procedures outlined in this document. The College must regularly review and make changes to this document to comply with federal and state regulations. Once any changes are posted online, they are in effect.

Students are encouraged to check online for the updated versions of all policies and procedures:  

Please note that Earlham College’s Sexual Harassment Policy (Title IX) can be found at: