As society tackles increasingly complex environmental, economic, and social problems, we will need leaders with an understanding of both the principles of sustainability and the management of organizations.
Program Details
The sustainability and management applied minor will provide you with:
- An understanding of environmental issues that will face future organizational leaders.
- An understanding of how business and governmental organizations function.
- Knowledge about the use of systems-thinking and triple bottom line decision-making.
- Skills from both management and sustainability that can be combined to create more sustainable business and government organizations
One of the following environmental natural sciences courses:
Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours
One of the following environmental social sciences courses:
Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours
Course Code
Credit Hours
One of the following Management Courses:
Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours
One of the following additional management courses:
Course Code
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours
Additional courses will be considered by petition.
Co-curricular activity
You will complete one of the following co-curricular activities:
- Student Sustainability Corps staff
- Serve on Sustainability Progress Committee
- Participate in business plan competitions (Earlham Prize or Hult Prize)
- Epic Advantage or summer research focused on sustainability and/or management as approved by applied minor faculty
- Other opportunities considered by petition as approved by applied minor faculty
Culminating experience
You will also submit a 1,500-word intellectual autobiography that reviews your development in the applied minor. The purpose of this intellectual autobiography is to sharpen your self-knowledge and self-awareness so you can describe your accomplishments accurately and with self-confidence as you enter into the world beyond Earlham.