College Authorities for Academic Violation

  1. An Associate Academic Dean or their designee is responsible for advising the faculty member and the student(s) about the conduct process, oversight of the process, and reporting results of non-hearing cases.
  2. A past Dean from Academic Conduct Council will convene a hearing when one is required. An Associate Academic Dean or their designee can designate a convener if necessary.
  3. The Conduct Council (CC) Faculty Pool is a minimum of three faculty approved by the Faculty Nominating Committee for three-year overlapping terms with the option of renewal after the term has ended. Nominations for this pool can come from Faculty Nominating Committee in consultation with Student Development. Members of this pool function as faculty representation on Academic and Social Conduct Councils and all Appeals Boards. The selection process should strive for gender, race, class, and national diversity.
  4. The Conduct Council (CC) Student Pool is a minimum of four students approved by the Earlham Student Government Executive Council. Nominations for this pool can come from Earlham Student Government in consultation with Student Development. Students must have completed a minimum of two semesters at the College, be in and maintain good academic standing, and not subject to any conduct sanction(s) in the semester for which they are nominated or during their tenure. Students may serve up to three one-year terms. Members of this pool function as student representation on Academic and Social Conduct Councils as well as all Appeals Boards. The selection process should strive for gender, race, class, and national diversity.
  5. An Associate Academic Dean or designee coordinates Academic Conduct Council (ACC). The ACC can include past Associate Academic Deans, one faculty member assigned from the CC Faculty Pool, and two students from the CC Student Pool selected by the Academic Dean or designee who will serve as Convener. ACC hears cases of alleged academic infractions assigned to them by the Associate Academic Dean, and all members participate in reaching consensus. In instances where there may be a conflict of interest, a Council Member may remove themselves, at which time the Convener will designate another member.
  6. The Faculty Member (or another designated faculty member) bringing the charge is responsible for gathering the information to support the charge.
  7. Two Support People, one for the respondent and one for the complainant, may accompany each party to any meeting related to the conduct process and the hearing. A Support Person may be any faculty or staff member of the College community. The role of the Support Person is to provide support, advice, or assistance to the person requesting their presence. The Support person is to advise the student or faculty member they are accompanying in preparing for the hearing, understand the conduct processes and potential outcomes, and offer consultation during the hearing. During a hearing, the Support Person functions solely as an adviser to the student or faculty member requesting their presence and may not address the Council unless the Council invites. The Support Person is not permitted to serve as a witness, examine parties or witnesses or provide statements to the Council.
  8. The Academic Conduct Council Appeals Board (ACC-A) considers the merit of an appeal and is convened by the Academic Dean or designee if warranted. The ACC-A comprises a Dean’s office designee, one faculty member, and one student. They are assigned from their respective pools and did not participate in the original ACC hearing. All ACC-A members participate in consensus, and all decisions of the ACC-A are final.